fbc church family directory

We are excited to announce our new online church directory!  It contains most members, staff and some active friends of the church. The directory is password protected and only available to members of our church family.  You control how much information to share.

If you are a part of the FBC family, you should have received an email on February 22nd to set up your password to access the directory.  If you don't see it right away, check your other email folders. 

If you are new to FBC and wanting to access the directory, contact the church office at office@fbcarmstrong.org and we'll get you set up!


You can find the directory by CLICKING HERE


The most exciting feature of this new online directory is that you can download the an App to your mobile device and have the directory with you all the time!

Download the App on your Smartphone and Tablet

Download the free mobile app by searching “ONLINE MEMBER DIRECTORY” at your app store.  You will be asked for our mobile code.  It is fbcarmstrong.  When the app opens, enter your username and password, and select “remember me.


We hope that you use, learn from, and enjoy our new directory!