Ways to Give

The mission of FBC is supported completely by generous donors.  If you have given in the past or give on a regular basis, thank you - we couldn't do what we do without you.  If you would like to give to support the ministries here at FBC here are a few options: 

Automatic Funds Transfer (AFT) 

Pre-authorized debit is a great way to give a consistent amount on a recurring basis.  Please complete a Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement Form and either drop it by the church office or scan and email it to


You can send an e-transfer through your online banking to (please send the security word you choose in a separate email to the same email address)

Cash or Cheque

Cash and/or cheques are normally collected at a weekend service.  If you would like to receive a tax receipt please put your gift in an offering envelope (blank ones are available at the Welcome Desk in the foyer). You can also request a set of numbered envelopes if you intend to give by cash or cheque on a regular basis by emailing

First Baptist Church

3185 Becker Street

Armstrong, BC V4Y 0H3

Giving Online

You can also donate or give using* via your cell phone using the app on the app store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).

You can also access it right from your computer or tablet by clicking on the "GIVE" button below. 

*There is a .30 cent US plus 2.9% fee for each transaction which comes out of your gift or, you can choose to pay the fee on top of your gift so the full gift is given to FBC.